[LeetCode] #347. Top K Frequent Elements
Given an integer array nums and an integer k, return the k most frequent elements. You may return the answer in any order.
1 <= nums.length <= 105
is in the range[1, the number of unique elements in the array]
.It is guaranteed that the answer is unique.
紀錄每個數字出現幾次,依照出現次數由大至小排序,取出前 k 個數字。
javascript 實作:
const topKFrequent = function(nums, k) {
if (nums.length === k) { return nums }
let numsDisplayCount = {}
const result = []
for (const num of nums) {
if (!numsDisplayCount[num]) {
numsDisplayCount[num] = 1
} else {
numsDisplayCount = Object.entries(numsDisplayCount).sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])
for (let i = 0; i < k; i++) {
return result
Runtime: 96 ms, faster than 61.59% of JavaScript online submissions for Top K Frequent Elements.
Memory Usage: 42.6 MB, less than 40.57% of JavaScript online submissions for Top K Frequent Elements.
- 對 object 使用 array.sort 方法。雖然最後算出來的答案正確,但總覺得毛毛的⋯⋯
[javascript] [hash map] [max heap] [priority queue] solution
別人的 javascript 實作:
var topKFrequent = function(nums, k) {
// results array
let results = [];
// 1) first step is to build a hash map, where "element -> its frequency"
// it costs O(n), where n is nums.length
let map = {};
nums.forEach(n => map[n] ? map[n] += 1 : map[n] = 1);
let pq = new PriorityQueue();
// 2) enqueue each map element to max binary heap priority queue
for(let key in map){
// it costs O(log n), where n is nums.length
pq.enqueue(key, map[key]);
// 3) k times dequeue element from priority queue and push it to results array
for(let i = 0; i < k; i++){
// it costs O(log n), where n is nums.length
// return results array
// as result we have O(n Log n) where n is length of nums
return results;
class PriorityQueue {
this._values = [];
enqueue(val, priority){
this._values.push(new Node(val, priority));
const max = this._values[0];
const end = this._values.pop();
if(this._values.length > 0){
this._values[0] = end;
return max.val;
let idx = this._values.length - 1;
const el = this._values[idx];
while(idx > 0){
let pIdx = Math.floor((idx - 1) / 2);
let parent = this._values[pIdx];
if(el.priority <= parent.priority) break;
this._values[pIdx] = el;
this._values[idx] = parent;
idx = pIdx;
let leftChildIdx = null;
let rightChildIdx = null;
let leftChild = null;
let rightChild = null;
let swapIdx = null;
let idx = 0
const el = this._values[idx];
swapIdx = null;
leftChildIdx = 2 * idx + 1;
rightChildIdx = 2 * idx + 2;
if(leftChildIdx < this._values.length){
leftChild = this._values[leftChildIdx];
if(leftChild.priority > el.priority){
swapIdx = leftChildIdx;
if(rightChildIdx < this._values.length){
rightChild = this._values[rightChildIdx];
(swapIdx === null && rightChild.priority > el.priority) ||
(swapIdx !==null && rightChild.priority > leftChild.priority)
) {
swapIdx = rightChildIdx;
if(swapIdx === null) break;
this._values[idx] = this._values[swapIdx];
this._values[swapIdx] = el;
idx = swapIdx
class Node {
constructor(val, priority){
this.val = val;
this.priority = priority;
Runtime: 96 ms, faster than 64.51% of JavaScript online submissions for Top K Frequent Elements.
Memory Usage: 41.8 MB, less than 64.03% of JavaScript online submissions for Top K Frequent Elements.
class Node {
constructor(val, priority){
this.val = val;
this.priority = priority;
定義 node 節點。預計用途:this.val 存的是數字,this.priority 存的是這個數字出現幾次(節點在 heap 中的排列方式:次數多的排前面,少的排後面)。
class PriorityQueue:
this._values = [];
用陣列實作 heap。陣列的 index 和 heap 的排列結構,對應方式是:父節點的 index 是 k 的話,兩個子節點的 index 分別是 2*k+1 和 2*k+2。反過來說,子節點的 index 是 k 的話,父節點的 index 是 Math.floor((k - 1) / 2)
enqueue(val, priority){
this._values.push(new Node(val, priority));
把新的節點加進 heap:先建立新的 node,再把 node 加進 heap 的最後面。如果新加入的 node 優先性比較高,就把他往前排。
const max = this._values[0];
const end = this._values.pop();
if(this._values.length > 0){
this._values[0] = end;
return max.val;
用途:從 heap 裡面拿出排在最前面的元素。
實作方式:把排在最前面的元素存到 max,把排在最後面的元素移除,並存在 end 裡。如果移除一個元素後, 沒有變成空陣列的話,用 end 把「排在最前面的元素的值」覆蓋掉,這樣可以確保 heap 已經移除了該「排在最前面的元素」。不過這麼做以後,變成優先性最低的元素排在最前面,所以要重新排列 heap。
let idx = this._values.length - 1;
const el = this._values[idx];
while(idx > 0){
let pIdx = Math.floor((idx - 1) / 2);
let parent = this._values[pIdx];
if(el.priority <= parent.priority) break;
this._values[pIdx] = el;
this._values[idx] = parent;
idx = pIdx;
實作方式:從 heap 的最後一個元素開始,檢查子元素的 priority 是否有比父元素的 priority 小,沒有的話就把兩個節點交換。
let leftChildIdx = null;
let rightChildIdx = null;
let leftChild = null;
let rightChild = null;
let swapIdx = null;
let idx = 0
const el = this._values[idx];
swapIdx = null;
leftChildIdx = 2 * idx + 1;
rightChildIdx = 2 * idx + 2;
if(leftChildIdx < this._values.length){
leftChild = this._values[leftChildIdx];
if(leftChild.priority > el.priority){
swapIdx = leftChildIdx;
if(rightChildIdx < this._values.length){
rightChild = this._values[rightChildIdx];
(swapIdx === null && rightChild.priority > el.priority) ||
(swapIdx !==null && rightChild.priority > leftChild.priority)
) {
swapIdx = rightChildIdx;
if(swapIdx === null) break;
this._values[idx] = this._values[swapIdx];
this._values[swapIdx] = el;
idx = swapIdx
實作方式:從 heap 的第一個元素開始,檢查是否符合「父元素的 priority > 兩個子元素的 priority」,沒有的話就把父節點和「兩個子節點中 priority 比較大的那個(平手的話,選左邊節點)」交換。
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