[LeetCode] #518. Coin Change 2
You are given an integer array coins
representing coins of different denominations and an integer amount
representing a total amount of money.
Return the number of combinations that make up that amount. If that amount of money cannot be made up by any combination of the coins, return 0
You may assume that you have an infinite number of each kind of coin.
The answer is guaranteed to fit into a signed 32-bit integer.
像 70. Climbing Stairs 那樣,amount 對應到樓梯總共有幾階,coins 對應到不同的 step。
python 3 實作(失敗):
class Solution:
def change(self, amount: int, coins: List[int]) -> int:
return self.coin_change(0, amount, coins)
def coin_change(self, curr, amount, coins):
if curr > amount:
return 0
if curr == amount:
return 1
result = []
for coin in coins:
result.append(self.coin_change(curr + coin, amount, coins))
return sum(result)
Wrong Answer
[1, 2, 5]
Output: 9
Expected: 4
- 題目不在乎兌換的順序。但我的寫法,相同的硬幣兌換數量,會因為兌換順序不同而被重複計算。例如,同樣都是「把 5 塊換成 2 個 2 塊和 1 個 1 塊」,但是兌換順序有好幾種,例如「1 + 2 + 2」、「2 + 1 + 2」、「2 + 2 + 1」。
兌換過程中,如果已經開始兌換面額比較小的硬幣,就不能再兌換面額大的硬幣。例如,總共有 1, 2, 5 三種面額的硬幣,如果一開始就兌換了一個面額 1 的硬幣,之後就只能兌換 面額 ≤ 1 的硬幣。這樣的話,「把 5 塊換成 2 個 2 塊和 1 個 1 塊」就只會有一種兌換順序「2 + 2 + 1」,就能避免重複計算的問題。
自己的 python 3 實作(失敗):
class Solution:
def change(self, amount: int, coins: List[int]) -> int:
coin_num = {}
for coin in coins:
coin_num[coin] = 0
return self.coin_change(0, coin_num, amount, coins)
def coin_change(self, curr, coin_num, amount, coins):
if curr > amount:
return 0
if curr == amount:
return 1
star = 0
for coin, num in coin_num.items():
if num != 0:
star = coins.index(coin)
result = []
for index, coin in enumerate(coins[star:]):
coin_num_update = coin_num.copy()
coin_num_update[coin] += 1
result.append(self.coin_change(curr + coin, coin_num_update, amount, coins))
return sum(result)
Time Limit Exceeded
Last executed input:
自己的 python 3 實作(失敗):
class Solution:
def change(self, amount: int, coins: List[int]) -> int:
cache = {}
coin_num = {}
for coin in coins:
coin_num[coin] = 0
return self.coin_change(0, coin_num, amount, coins, cache)
def coin_change(self, curr, coin_num, amount, coins, cache):
if curr > amount:
return 0
if curr == amount:
return 1
tag = '#'.join([str(item) for item in coin_num.values()])
if cache.get(tag) is None:
star = 0
for coin, num in coin_num.items():
if num != 0:
star = coins.index(coin)
result = []
for index, coin in enumerate(coins[star:]):
coin_num_update = coin_num.copy()
coin_num_update[coin] += 1
result.append(self.coin_change(curr + coin, coin_num_update, amount, coins, cache))
cache[tag] = sum(result)
return cache[tag]
Time Limit Exceeded
Last executed input:
來源:Python sol by DP in bottom-up 85%+ [w/ Visualization]
別人的 python 3 實作:
class Solution:
def change(self, amount: int, coins: List[int]) -> int:
# base case:
# amount 0's method count = 1 (by taking no coins)
change_method_count = [1] + [ 0 for _ in range(amount)]
# make change with current coin, from small coin to large coin
for cur_coin in coins:
# update change method count from small amount to large amount
for small_amount in range(cur_coin, amount+1):
nbsp; # current small amount can make changed with current coin
nbsp; change_method_count[small_amount] += change_method_count[small_amount - cur_coin]
return change_method_count[amount]
Runtime: 132 ms, faster than 95.97% of Python3 online submissions for Coin Change 2.
Memory Usage: 14.5 MB, less than 67.61% of Python3 online submissions for Coin Change 2.
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