在 Mac 上安裝 pyenv(python 版本管理工具)

安裝教學:Managing Multiple Python Versions With pyenv

執行完 curl https://pyenv.run | bash 後得到的指示:

WARNING: seems you still have not added 'pyenv' to the load path.

# (The below instructions are intended for common
# shell setups. See the README for more guidance
# if they don't apply and/or don't work for you.)

# Add pyenv executable to PATH and
# enable shims by adding the following
# to ~/.profile:

export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"
export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(pyenv init --path)"

# If your ~/.profile sources ~/.bashrc,
# the lines need to be inserted before the part
# that does that. See the README for another option.

# If you have ~/.bash_profile, make sure that it
# also executes the above lines -- e.g. by
# copying them there or by sourcing ~/.profile

# Load pyenv into the shell by adding
# the following to ~/.bashrc:

eval "$(pyenv init -)"

# Make sure to restart your entire logon session
# for changes to profile files to take effect.

# Load pyenv-virtualenv automatically by adding
# the following to ~/.bashrc:

eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"

設定 .profile、.bash_profile 或 .bashrc 的兩種方式(以 .bashrc 為例):



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